A more productive wrapping solution with High Speed Pack (HSP)

A more productive wrapping solution with High Speed Pack (HSP)

HSP- much higher output capacity with a limited extra cost.

BW 2600

For many years bale wrapping technology could easily be classified into two distinct categories - traditional turntable wrappers, and higher performance satellite wrappers. The new Vicon High Speed Pack (HSP) now brings the output capacity of a turntable wrapper to a higher level. “With the High Speed Pack we are now close to the working speed of a satellite wrapper in the best working conditions, but at a more reasonable cost”, Luc adds.

The HSP is a combination of two developments. The first (DuoWrap) allows wrapping with two film rolls at the same time. Achieving film overlap of 66%, time to cover the bale is reduced by one third. The second development is electronic control of the wrapper table rotation speed (OptiSpeed). OptiSpeed optimises the rotation speed of the table to allow the fastest wrapping possible in all conditions without being limited to fixed values. This means that when wrapping in hilly conditions the speed will slow down automatically and in flat fields speed will increase without risk.

The High Speed Pack (HSP) turntable binding system has won an Innovation Award at the SIMA 2017, Paris show as well.

20th March 2017

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