Advanced solutions come from iXclean Pro, with fully automatic, electric valve management on ISOBUS sprayers. It means all functions can be controlled from the cab. Switching between filling, agitation, spraying, diluting, priming, rinsing and tank cleaning, is extremely easy: just push the button!
In addition to auto filling, iXclean Pro also offers a fully automatic multi-step rinsing and cleaning program for the entire sprayer. By pushing one button, a comprehensive cleaning process including all lines starts, that takes just a few minutes and uses minimal amounts of clean water. It is so thorough that residue levels after automated cleaning are below 1%. iXclean Pro for filling or cleaning: making every litre count! iXclean Pro can be operated via the IsoMatch Tellus terminal from the tractor cab. iXclean Pro is available in combination with the iXter mounted sprayer, as well as for the Ikarus and iXtrack trailed sprayer range.
18. March 2013