EXTRΔordinary Operability

EXTRΔordinary Operability

Superior Suspension Protecting Ground and Machine

Vicon EXTR∆ 628FT-632FT/FR and 635FT front mounted mowers feature a very flexible pulled floating suspension with extremely accurate ground following. The gravity point is close to the tractor and with the very compact design, excellent view of the entire mowing area is guaranteed.

Mower Conditioners - VICON EXTRA 628FT - 632FT - 632FR - 635FT - 635FR - FRONT MOUNTED DISC MOWER CONDITIONERS, versitale machine with substantial performance

The moving pattern of the machines is extremely flexible, allowing downwards movements of 250 mm and upwards of 450 mm.

Mower Conditioners - VICON EXTRA 628FT - 632FT - 632FR - 635FT - 635FR - FRONT MOUNTED DISC MOWER CONDITIONERS, versitale machine with substantial performance

Due to the redesigned suspension of the EXTR∆ front mounted models, an even better flotation and more even ground pressure is possible. The two large suspension springs have been moved further outwards to provide better side stability, which is reflected in optimum protection of the stubble and far less skid wear.


In addition the innovative suspension design allows a transverse adaption of 24°. This ensures excellent adaption to uneven ground contours and higher reachable speed when mowing.


15th May 2013



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